National Tree Day Contest

DID YOU KNOW that September 22 is National Tree Day?


Given the climate challenges that we find ourselves in today, we want to bring awareness to the importance of protecting our trees and ensuring that we leave this planet better than we found it for future generations.


SO… We will be holding a contest for kiddos this year on National Tree Day! Entering is simple: Just have your kids/grandkids/(or any little one you know!) create an original drawing of their favourite tree and then send it our way.


5 winners will be randomly selected and announced on our Linkedin page on September 22, 2021.


Each winner will have their artwork showcased on M-O’s Linkedin page on National Tree Day and will have a tree planted in their name on Earth Day 2022 at a M-O terminal location. Please send entries to by September 13, 2021.

Service Update

  1. Service Update: Adverse Weather Conditions in Marine Atlantic – March 7, 2025​